Knife-Rockwell 心如刀割 
1/19/07, 11:59 PM - 心曲輕訴

可能沒有很多人知道Rockwell這個名字,但是若提起他的父親Berry Gordy,相信對聽黑人音樂的人是如雷貫耳,因為他就是史上最重要的黑人廠牌「Motown」的創始人。

身為兒子的Rockwell本名Kenneth Gordy,他之所以改名Rockwell,是因為想要靠自己的才華成功,而不願依附在父親的名聲之下。他以歌手的身份被簽進Motown,這件事情連Berry Gordy都不知道。在第一張專輯他找來Michael Jackson一起合作,發行首支單曲"Somebody's Watching Me"成功拿下節奏藍調排行榜第一名。不過他的成名只是曇花一現。
"Knife"這首歌曲也是收在首張專輯裡,一開始就帶出安靜悲傷的曲調,感覺像是Lionel Richie的"Hello"。Rockwell的歌聲很適合夜晚,閉上眼睛可以靜靜體會心被一點一點切割開的感受。

You touched my life
with a softness in the night
my wish was your command
until you ran
out of love
I tell my self I'm free
got the change of living just for me
no need to carry on
now that you're gone

cuts like a knife
how will I ever heal
I'm so deeply wounded
cuts like a knife
you cut away the heart of my life
When I pretend when I smile
to fool my dearest friends
I wonder if they know
it's just a show
I'm on a stage day or night
through my charades
but how can I disguise
what's in my eyes

Oh oh oh oh oh ...
I try and try locking up
the pain I feel inside
the pain of wanting you
wanting you

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